ICT Silver Bullet
ICT Silver Bullet
ICTs Silver Bullet Model (Morning Session)
- Every day between 10am & 11am EST
- Identify an obvious pool of liquidity that has not been tapped into or engaged
- Wait for displacement towards liquidity pool between 10am & 11am
- Find a FVG (FVG has to be opposite the targeted liquidity pool)
- Wait for price to trade back into FVG and then reprice out of the FVG towards the targeted pool of liquidity
- Then drop down to the 1-min, 30-sec, 15-sec chart and start looking for a second FVG
- The next FVG you see on the 1-min, 30-sec, 15-sec chart (after price has traded back into the higher timeframe FVG) instantly enter the trade in the direction of the targeted liquidity pool
- Trader needs to validate whether the range from their potential FVG entry and Liquidity Pool is greater than 5 handles
- Take profit after 5 handles of profit (or liquidity pool reached)
To listen to ICTs explain the morning session Silver Bullet rules see his Livestream March 30, 2023 Live Tape Reading - AM Session Video timestamps: [49:24 - 1:08:00]
ICTs Silver Bullet Model (Afternoon Session)
- Every day between 2pmm & 3pm EST
- All same steps from above
To listen to ICTs explain the afternoon session Silver Bullet rules see his Twitter Space Equity Concerns When Your Heavens Are Like Brass Audio timestamps: [1:49:00 - 2:14:21 (end)]
ICT Silver Bullet Examples

ICT Silver Bullet Example